Positions &



KTH, Stockholm, Sweden since September 2021

WASP-AI/Math Assistant Professor

KTH, Stockholm, Sweden since September 2019
supported by Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP)


University of Oslo January - August 2019

ICERM, Brown University September 2018 - May 2019

PhD studies

Mathematics, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany August 2015 - August 2018

Advisors: Bernd Sturmfels and Peter Bürgisser
Thesis: Isotropic and Coisotropic Subvarieties of Grassmannians

Master Studies

Computer science, Paderborn University, Germany April 2013 - July 2015

Degree: Master of Science (passed with distinction)
Thesis: Number of Voronoi-relevant vectors in lattices with respect to arbitrary norms
Advisor: Johannes Blömer

Mathematics, Paderborn University, Germany April 2013 - July 2015

Degree: Master of Science (passed with distinction)
Thesis: Number of Voronoi-relevant vectors in lattices with respect to arbitrary norms
Advisor: Johannes Blömer

Mathematics, Stockholm University & KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden September 2014 - January 2015

Bachelor Studies

Mathematics, Paderborn University, Germany October 2010 - March 2013

Degree: Bachelor of Science (passed with distinction)
Thesis: Attributbasierte Verschlüsselung mittels Gittermethoden - Mathematische Grundlagen
Advisor: Johannes Blömer

Computer science, Paderborn University, Germany October 2009 - March 2013

Degree: Bachelor of Science (passed with distinction)
Thesis: Attributbasierte Verschlüsselung mittels Gittermethoden - Verfahren und Sicherheitsbeweise
Advisor: Johannes Blömer

Scholarship-based study program with internship phases in computer science with minor subject economic sciences September 2009 - September 2012

Cooperation of Paderborn University and Atos (formerly Siemens) IT Solutions and Services

Grants, Awards &


Swedish Foundations' Starting Grant Algebraic Vision 2025--2030 funded by Ragnar Söderbergs stiftelse

Small Göran Gustafsson Prize for Young Researchers at UU/KTH March 2021

Swedish L'Oréal-Unesco For Women in Science prize March 2023

WASP funded NEST (Novelty, Excellence, Synergy, Teams) project 3D Scene Perception, Embeddings and Neural Rendering 2022--2027 (with Fredrik Kahl and Mårten Björkman)

Small Göran Gustafsson Prize for Young Researchers at UU/KTH March 2021

Best Student Paper Award at ICCV 2019 PLMP - Point-Line Minimal Problems in Complete Multi-View Visibility with Timothy Duff, Anton Leykin and Tomas Pajdla

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship Higher Order Polar calculus and Euclidean distance degree 2 years (with Sandra Di Rocco at KTH)

SIAM Student Travel Award to attend SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, 31 July - 4 August 2017

Award of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics at the Paderborn University for excellence in studies with master degree in computer science 1 July 2016

Doctoral fellowship by the Einstein Foundation Berlin August 2015 - July 2017

Award of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics at the Paderborn University for excellence in studies with bachelor degree in computer science 12 July 2013

Finalist of the Google Anita Borg Scholarship June 2012

Scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation (“Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes”) October 2011 - September 2015

Participant in the elite support program of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics at the Paderborn University February 2011 - September 2015

Scholarship from “Stiftung Studienfonds OWL” October 2010 - September 2012


The Geometry of the Neuromanifold
SIAM News 57 July/August 2024.

On the Geometry and Optimization of Polynomial Convolutional Networks
(with Vahid Shahverdi, Giovanni Luca Marchetti)

Geometry of Lightning Self-Attention: Identifiability and Dimension
(with Nathan W. Henry, Giovanni Luca Marchetti)

Order-One Rolling Shutter Cameras
(with Marvin Hahn, Orlando Marigliano, Tomas Pajdla)

Geometry of Linear Neural Networks: Equivariance and Invariance under Permutation Groups
(with Anna-Laura Sattelberger and Vahid Shahverdi)

Differential Equations for Gaussian Statistical Models with Rational Maximum Likelihood Estimator
(with Carlos Améndola, Lukas Gustafsson, Orlando Marigliano, Anna Seigal)
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 8 (2024) 465-492.

Function Space and Critical Points of Linear Convolutional Networks
(with Guido Montúfar, Vahid Shahverdi, Matthew Trager)
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 8 (2024) 333-362.

Snapshot of Algebraic Vision
(with Joe Kileel)

Voronoi diagrams of algebraic varieties under polyhedral norms
(with Adrian Becedas and Lorenzo Venturello)
Journal of Symbolic Computation 120 (2024).

Adjoints and Canonical Forms of Polypols
(with Ragni Piene, Kristian Ranestad, Felix Rydell, Boris Shapiro, Rainer Sinn, Miruna-Stefana Sorea, Simon Telen)

Geometry of Linear Convolutional Networks
(with Thomas Merkh, Guido Montúfar and Matthew Trager)
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 6 (2022) 368-406.

Toric invariant theory for maximum likelihood estimation in log-linear models
(with Carlos Améndola, Philipp Reichenbach and Anna Seigal)
Algebraic Statistics 12 (2021) 187-211.

The Maximum Likelihood Degree of Linear Spaces of Symmetric Matrices
(with Carlos Améndola, Lukas Gustafsson, Orlando Marigliano and Anna Seigal)
Le Matematiche 76 (2021)

Linear Spaces of Symmetric Matrices with Non-Maximal Maximum Likelihood Degree
(with Yuhan Jiang and Rosa Winter)
Le Matematiche 76 (2021)

Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Nets of Conics
(with Stefan Dye, Felix Rydell and Rainer Sinn)
Le Matematiche 76 (2021)

Invariant theory and scaling algorithms for maximum likelihood estimation
(with Carlos Améndola, Philipp Reichenbach and Anna Seigal)
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 5 (2021) 304-337.
A friendly overview

PL1P - Point-line Minimal Problems under Partial Visibility in Three Views
(with Timothy Duff, Anton Leykin and Tomas Pajdla)
European Conference on Computer Vision 2020
International Journal of Computer Vision 132 (2024) 3302-3323.

Pure and Spurious Critical Points: a Geometric Study of Linear Networks
(with Joan Bruna and Matthew Trager)
International Conference on Learning Representations 2020

Projective geometry of Wachspress coordinates
(with Kristian Ranestad)
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 20 (2020) 1135-1173.
NSF Research Highlight

PLMP - Point-Line Minimal Problems in Complete Multi-View Visibility
(with Timothy Duff, Anton Leykin and Tomas Pajdla)
International Conference on Computer Vision 2019 (Best Student Paper Award)
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 46 (2024) 421-435.

Isotropic and Coisotropic Subvarieties of Grassmannians
(with James Mathews)
Advances in Mathematics 377 (2021)

Moment Varieties of Measures on Polytopes
(with Boris Shapiro and Bernd Sturmfels)
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa 21 (2020) 739–770.

Computing Tropical Varieties in Macaulay2
(with Carlos Améndola, Sara Lamboglia, Diane Maclagan, Ben Smith, Jeff Sommars, Paolo Tripoli and Magdalena Zajaczkowska)
Macaulay2 package

Changing Views on Curves and Surfaces
(with Bernd Sturmfels and Matthew Trager)
Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 43 (2018) 1-29.

The Complex of Non-Chromatic Scales
(with Ernst Ulrich Deuker)
German version Der Komplex der nicht-chromatischen Skalen
in Mitteilungen der DMV 25 (2017) 17-25.

Secants, bitangents, and their congruences
(with Bernt Ivar Utstøl Nødland and Paolo Tripoli)
Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, (eds. G.G. Smith and B. Sturmfels),
Fields Inst. Commun. 80, Fields Inst. Res. Math. Sci., (2017) 87–112

Coisotropic Hypersurfaces in Grassmannians
Journal of Symbolic Computation 103 (2021) 157-177.
Macaulay2 package

Computing the Chow variety of quadratic space curves
(with Peter Bürgisser, Pierre Lairez and Bernd Sturmfels)
Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences, (eds. I. Kotsireas, S. Rump and C. Yap), MACIS 2015, Berlin, (2016) 130-136.

Voronoi Cells of Lattices with Respect to Arbitrary Norms
(with Johannes Blömer)
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 2(2018) 314–338.


Metric Algebraic Geometry
(with Paul Breiding and Bernd Sturmfels)
Oberwolfach Seminars, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2024.


Algebra & Geometry in Data Science & AI
Center for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University
11 September 2024

Order-one rolling shutter cameras
ELLIS Algebraic Vision & Machine Learning Workshop
CTU Prague
2 July 2024

Convolutions, Groups, Polynomials in Neural Networks
Applied Harmonic Analysis and Data Science
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
22 April 2024

Algebra & Geometry in Data Science & AI
Math Mingle: Diverse Dimensions in Mathematics
Mälardalen University, Västerås
12 April 2024

Understanding Linear Convolutional Neural Networks via Sparse Factorizations of Real Polynomials (and Decomposing Linear Group-Equivariant Networks)
Seminar on geometry, algebra and physics in deep neural networks
4 April 2024

Understanding Linear Convolutional Neural Networks via Sparse Factorizations of Real Polynomials (and Decomposing Linear Group-Equivariant Networks)
Learning theory seminar
21 March 2024

Understanding Linear Convolutional Neural Networks via Sparse Factorizations of Real Polynomials
Symposium on Sparsity and Singular Structures
RWTH Aachen
27 February 2024

Geometry of Linear Neural Networks that are Equivariant / Invariant under Permutation Groups
Workshop on Geometry and Machine Learning
MPI MiS Leipzig
14 November 2023

Understanding Linear Convolutional Neural Networks via Sparse Factorizations of Real Polynomials
2 November 2023

Rolling-shutter cameras & Kummer’s classification of order-one line congruences
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
University of Nottingham
26 October 2023

What will happen in Neural Networks
Invitation to Algebraic Statistics and Applications
Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation, Chicago
20 September 2023

Understanding Linear Convolutional Neural Networks via Sparse Factorizations of Real Polynomials
Maths and Computer Science Synergies
Universitat de Barcelona
6 September 2023

Understanding Linear Convolutional Neural Networks via Sparse Factorizations of Real Polynomials
DANGER3 -- Data, Numbers, and Geometry
London Institute for Mathematical Sciences
24 August 2023

Algebraic Invariants in Linear (Convolutional) Neural Networks
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry
Eindhoven University of Technology
10 July 2023

Sparse Factorizations of Real Polynomials & Linear Convolutional Neural Networks
Foundations of Computational Mathematics
15 June 2023

3D-Rekonstruktion aus Bildern und Algebraische Geometrie
Maryam Mirzakhani Lecture
14 June 2023

A dictionary between invariant theory and maximum likelihood estimation
Université de Lille
26 May 2023

Understanding Linear Convolutional Neural Networks via Sparse Factorizations of Real Polynomials
Machine Learning Day
17 May 2023

Sparse Factorizations of Real Polynomials & Linear Convolutional Neural Networks
Random Algebraic Geometry
Banff International Research Station
19 April 2023

Catalogs of minimal problems from mathematicians for computer vision engineers -- How to make discrete data FAIR across disciplines?
Research Data in Discrete Mathematics
MPI MiS Leipzig
14 March 2023

The Geometry of Linear Convolutional Networks
Seminar on AI/ML in Mathematics
University of Nottingham
15 February 2023

Wachspress' Conjecture
Convexity, Geometry and Computation
MATRIX, Australia
30 November 2022

The Geometry of Linear Convolutional Networks
Math & Machine Learning Seminar
Boston College
8 November 2022

Invariant theory of maximum likelihood estimation
Geometry in Complexity and Computations
University of Konstanz
21-23 September 2022

Invariant theory of maximum likelihood estimation
EWM General Meeting
Aalto University
26 August 2022

The Geometry of Linear Convolutional Networks
EWM General Meeting
Aalto University
22 August 2022

The Maximum Likelihood Degree of Linear Spaces of Symmetric Matrices
Nordic Congress of Mathematicians
Aalto University
21 August 2022

The Geometry of Linear Convolutional Networks
Workshop on Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics, and Machine Learning
MPI MiS Leipzig
8 August 2022

Algebraic statistics - Invariant theory and scaling algorithms for maximum likelihood estimation
Algebraic Vision Meeting II
CTU Prague
21 July 2022

The Geometry of Linear Convolutional Networks
Conference on the Mathematics of Complex Data
15 June 2022

The Geometry of Linear Convolutional Networks
Algebraic Vision Meeting
CTU Prague
2 June 2022

Der Komplex der nicht-chromatischen Skalen
Physikalisches Kolloquium
Chalmers/Universität Rostock
12 May 2022

Adjoint Hypersurfaces of Rational Polypols
Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory seminar
Chalmers/University of Gothenburg
3 May 2022

The Geometry of Linear Convolutional Networks
Mathematics of Data Science
HIM Bonn
26 April 2022

The Geometry of Linear Convolutional Networks
DataSig Seminar Series
DataSig programme, UK
24 March 2022

Rational Polypols
Combinatorics, Physics and Probability Seminar
Harvard CMSA
1 March 2022

Wachspress coordinates
Oberwolfach Workshop Interpolation, Approximation, and Algebra
13 February 2022

Classifying Minimal Problems
1st Workshop on Traditional Computer Vision in the Age of Deep Learning
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2021
16 October 2021

Connections Between Invariant Theory and Statistics
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry
Texas A&M University
16 August 2021

The Geometry of Linear Convolutional Networks
Conference on Mathematics of Machine Learning
Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University
6 August 2021

Rational Polypols
MEGA - plenary talk
UiT – The Arctic University of Norway
11 June 2021

The Maximum Likelihood Degree of Linear Spaces of Symmetric Matrices
Oberseminar Reelle Geometrie und Algebra & Konstanz Women in Mathematics
Universität Konstanz
28 May 2021

The Maximum Likelihood Degree of Linear Spaces of Symmetric Matrices
Degeneracy Loci and Applications
Ohio State University
6 May 2021

The adjoint of a polytope
Algebra and Geometry seminar
University of Trieste
30 April 2021

Nonlinear Algebra & Computer Vision
Environmental morphologies and ambient intelligence seminar
28 April 2021

The Complex of Non-Chromatic Scales
Music & Mathematics
TU Dresden
16 April 2021

The adjoint of a polytope
Diamant Symposium
Dutch Mathematical Congress
7 April 2021

The Maximum Likelihood Degree of Linear Spaces of Symmetric Matrices
Kolloquium Algorithmische Algebra
TU Berlin
3 February 2021

The geometry of neural networks
Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and Machine Learning
Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum
26 January 2021

The adjoint of a polytope
Geometric structures research seminar
19 January 2021

The geometry of neural networks
Dive-deep seminar
Digital Futures, KTH
14 January 2021

The geometry of linear (convolutional) neural networks
Workshop Computational Algebra 2020
TU Kaiserslautern
27 November 2020

Nonlinear Algebra of Data Science and AI
Applied CATS
17 November 2020

Minimal Problems in Computer Vision
WASP4ALL 2020 – Virtual Worlds for Artificial Intelligence
5 November 2020

Invariant theory and scaling algorithms for maximum likelihood estimation
GAMM AG Workshop Computational and Mathematical Methods in Data Science
MPI MiS Leipzig
10 September 2020

The geometry of neural networks
Oberseminar Mathematik der Informationsverarbeitung
RWTH Aachen
27 August 2020

Projective geometry of Wachspress coordinates
London Topology and Geometry Seminar
London School of Geometry and Number Theory
19 June 2020

What is Nonlinear Algebra?
MAM seminar
Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden
10 June 2020

Invariant theory and scaling algorithms for maximum likelihood estimation
General Mathematics Colloquium
Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics
20 May 2020

The geometry of neural networks
Math Machine Learning seminar
MPI MiS Leipzig and UCLA
07 May 2020

Gaussian group models
Webinar series on Recent Connections to and Progress in GCT
Chennai Mathematical Institute
06 May 2020

Minimal Problems in Computer Vision
Nonlinear Algebra Seminar Online
MPI MiS Leipzig
31 March 2020

Der Komplex der nicht-chromatischen Skalen
Interdisciplinary Workshop on Mathematics and Music
University of Music and Theatre Leipzig
16-17 January 2020

The adjoint of a polytope
Lucia Geometrica
Stockholm university
10 December 2019

Point-Line Minimal Problems for 3 Cameras with Partial Visibility
Algebra Seminar
CTU Prague
05 December 2019

The geometry of neural networks
Mathematics of Data Seminar
MPI MiS Leipzig
14 November 2019

The adjoint polynomial of a polytope
Combinatorics Seminar
06 November 2019

The geometry of neural networks
Oberseminar Optimization and Data Analysis
TU München
22 October 2019

Minimal Problems in Computer Vision
University of Oslo
29 August 2019

The adjoint of a polytope
Complexity of numerical computation
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
20 August 2019

Point-Line Minimal Problems in Complete Multi-View Visibility
Algebra Seminar
CTU Prague
17 July 2019

Moment Varieties of Measures on Polytopes
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry
University of Bern
09/10 July 2019

The adjoint of a polytope
Workshop on Applied Algebra
TU Braunschweig
07 June 2019

Moment Varieties of Measures on Polytopes
ASGARD Math 2019
University of Oslo
15 May 2019

Point-Line Minimal Problems in Complete Multi-View Visibility
Optimization Methods in Computer Vision and Image Processing
29 April 2019

Projective geometry of Wachspress coordinates
Algebra Seminar
Georgia Tech
16 April 2019

The adjoint of a polytope
Meeting on Applied Algebraic Geometry
Georgia Tech
14 April 2019

The adjoint of a polytope
AMS Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting
University of Connecticut Hartford
13 April 2019

Point Line Minimal Problems in Complete Multi-View Visibility
Postdoc Seminar
29 March 2019

The adjoint of a polytope
Seminar on Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
Universitetet i Oslo
17 January 2019

Moment Varieties of Measures on Polytopes
The MIC Seminar
Center for Data Science and Courant Institute, NYU
14 December 2018

Moment Varieties of Measures on Polytopes
Postdoc Seminar
04 December 2018

(Co)isotropic Varieties
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Brown University
02 November 2018

Changing Views on Curves and Surfaces
Joint Meeting of KMS and DMV
COEX, Seoul
06 October 2018

Algebraisches Sehen - Brücken zwischen reiner und angewandter Forschung
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften
MPI MIS Leipzig
22 June 2018

Isotropic and Coisotropic Subvarieties of Grassmannians
Graduate Student Meeting on Applied Algebra and Combinatorics
Universität Osnabrück
March 2018

Der Komplex der nicht-chromatischen Skalen
Gemeinsame Jahrestagung GDMV 2018
Universität Paderborn
06 March 2018

Changing Views on Curves and Surfaces (Video)
BMS Student Conference
FU Berlin
22 February 2018

Isotropic Subvarieties of Grassmannians
Berlin-Leipzig Seminar on Algebra, Geometry and Combinatorics
FU Berlin
12 November 2017

Coisotropic Hypersurfaces in Algebraic Vision
BMS-BGSMath Junior Meeting 2017
Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona
09 October 2017

Coisotropic Varieties in Algebraic Vision
Kolloquium Algorithmische Algebra
TU Berlin
21 September 2017

Computing Chow Forms, Hurwitz Forms, and Beyond
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry
Georgia Institute of Technology
03 August 2017

Changing Views on Curves and Surfaces
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry
Georgia Institute of Technology
31 July 2017

Preparatory lectures for the Chow lectures
Chow lectures
MPI MIS Leipzig, Universität Leipzig
22-24 May 2017

Plücker Varieties and Higher Secants of Sato's Grassmannian
Reading Group on High dimensional algebraic geometry
MPI MIS Leipzig
26 April 2017

Mathematik in Musiktheorie- und praxis
Der 22. Berliner Tag der Mathematik
HU Berlin
22 April 2017

Chow and Hurwitz complexes and their singular loci
Saxonian Geometry Day
TU Chemnitz
08 December 2016

Singular Loci of Coincident Root Loci
Kolloquium algorithmische Mathematik und Komplexitätstheorie
TU Berlin
15 November 2016

Coisotropic hypersurfaces in Grassmannians
Forschungsseminar Algebra/Algebraische Geometrie
FU Berlin
07 November 2016

Coisotropic hypersurfaces in Grassmannians
KTH & SU Algebra and Geometry Seminar
KTH Stockholm
12 October 2016

What is ... an Eigenvector of a Tensor?
"What is ...?" seminar
BMS Loft, Urania, Berlin
17 June 2016

Coisotropic hypersurfaces in the Grassmannian
Workshop on Discrete and Non-Linear Geometry
Technische Universität Berlin
17 June 2016

Coisotropic hypersurfaces in the Grassmannian
Kolloquium Algebra und Zahlentheorie
Technische Universität Berlin
31 May 2016

Das ist das Haus vom Ni-ko-laus
Der 21. Berliner Tag der Mathematik
FU Berlin
30 April 2016

Voronoi Cells of Lattices with Respect to Arbitrary Norms
Joint Annual Meeting of DMV and GAMM 2016
TU Braunschweig
9 March 2016

Self-Duality of Coisotropic Hypersurfaces in Grassmannians
Seminar on NonLinear Algebra
Technische Universität Berlin
10 December 2015

Computing the Chow Variety of Quadratic Space Curves
MACIS 2015 - Sixth International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences
Zuse Institute Berlin
12 November 2015

Voronoi Cells of Lattices w.r.t. Arbitrary Norms
Seminar Discrete Geometry
Freie Universität Berlin
5 November 2015

Valuation and integral
Seminar Continuous Combinatorics
Freie Universität Berlin
20 October 2015

Number of Voronoi-relevant vectors in lattices with respect to arbitrary norms
Oberseminar Codes & Kryptographie
Paderborn University
15 July 2015

Gaussian Graphical Models
Seminar Algebraic Statistics
Freie Universität Berlin
25 June 2015

Project Group "DynaSearch" - Final Presentation
Oberseminar Algorithmen & Komplexität
Paderborn University
8 October 2014

NCP Group - Overview and New Results
Project Group DynaSearch - P2P-based infrastructure for OTF-markets
Paderborn University
20 August 2014

NCG Group - New Results and Open Problems
Project Group DynaSearch - P2P-based infrastructure for OTF-markets
Paderborn University
15 July 2014

Hyperbolische Mengen
Seminar Ergodentheorie
Paderborn University
21 June 2014

NCG Group - New Results and Open Problems
Project Group DynaSearch - P2P-based infrastructure for OTF-markets
Paderborn University
4 June 2014

The weak 3-flow conjecture and the weak circular flow conjecture
Seminar Graphentheorie
Paderborn University
27 May 2014

NCG Group - First Results and Open Problems
Project Group DynaSearch - P2P-based infrastructure for OTF-markets
Paderborn University
30 April 2014

Project Group "DynaSearch" - Intermediate Report: Results and Plans
Oberseminar Algorithmen & Komplexität
Paderborn University
16 April 2014

Seminar Hacking
Paderborn University
18 December 2013

Random Graphs and their Use in Peer-to-Peer Networks
Seminar DynaSearch - P2P-based infrastructure for OTF-markets
Paderborn University
28 November 2013

Explizite Konstruktion von Expandergraphen
Sommerakademie "Woher kommt der Zufall in zufallsgesteuerten Algorithmen?" (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)
Görlitz, Germany
September 2013

A Lower Bound for Computing the Diameter
Seminar Local Algorithms
Paderborn University
5 May 2013

Attributbasierte Verschlüsselung mittels Gittermethoden
Oberseminar Codes & Kryptographie
Paderborn University
1 March 2013

Projekt Wäschespeichersysteme
Mathematisches Praktikum
Paderborn University
5 February 2013

Fliegende Cops: Charakterisierung der Baumweite
Sommerakademie "Kombinatorische Suchspiele - von Räubern und Gendarmen" (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)
Neubeuern, Germany
August 2012

Symmetrische Gruppen
Proseminar Darstellungen endlicher Gruppen
Paderborn University
June 2012

Zählen perfekter Matchings in planaren Graphen
Seminar über Computeralgebra, Darstellungstheorie und Kombinatorik
Paderborn University
25 May 2012

Visuelle Kryptografie
Proseminar Eliteförderprogramm
Paderborn University
4 February 2011


Kim Lukas Kiehn (main advisor) since 2024 joint with Ozan Öktem

Emily Berghofer since 2024 joint with Peder Thompson

Marcel Büsching since 2022 joint with Mårten Björkman and Danica Kragic

Vahid Shahverdi (main advisor) since 2021 joint with Joakim Andén

Felix Rydell (main advisor) 2020 - 2024 joint with Fredrik Viklund

Martin Bråtelund 2019 - 2024 joint with Kristian Ranestad

Lukas Gustafsson 2019 - 2023 joint with Sandra Di Rocco


Giovanni Luca Marchetti since 2024

Stefano Mereta since 2023

Anna-Laura Sattelberger 2022 - 2024

Orlando Marigliano 2020 - 2023

Angélica Torres 2020 - 2022


my cello and I perform with Sh'lonk on their studio album child of music (released April 7, 2017)

CHAIR Structured Learning Workshop
Chalmers, Gothenburg 29-31 October 2024

Workshop on Wachspress Geometry
University of Leipzig 24-25 September 2024

ELLIS Algebraic Vision & Machine Learning Workshop
CTU Prague 2-4 July 2024

Spring School on Sparsity and Singular Structures
RWTH Aachen / Kloster Steinfeld 13-17 May 2024

Applied Harmonic Analysis and Data Science
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach 21-26 April 2024

Symposium on Sparsity and Singular Structures
RWTH Aachen 26-29 February 2024

Algebraic Statistics and Our Changing World
Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation, Chicago September/December 2023

DANGER 3 - Data, Numbers, and Geometry
London Institute for Mathematical Sciences 24-25 August 2023

SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry
Eindhoven University of Technology 10-14 July 2023

Foundations of Computational Mathematics
Sorbonne Université, Paris 15-17 June 2023

Oberwolfach Seminar on Metric Algebraic Geometry
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach 28 May - 2 June 2023

Random Algebraic Geometry
Banff International Research Station 16-21 April 2023

Research Data in Discrete Mathematics
MPI MiS Leipzig 13-14 March 2023

Convexity, Geometry and Computation
MATRIX workshop, Australia 28 November - 2 December 2022

SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science
San Diego, CA 26-30 September 2022

Geometry in Complexity and Computations
University of Konstanz 21-23 September 2022

EWM General Meeting
Aalto University 22-26 August 2022

Nordic Congress of Mathematicians
Aalto University 18-21 August 2022

Workshop on Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics, and Machine Learninga
MPI MiS Leipzig 8 August 2022

Algebraic Vision Meeting II
CTU Prague 20-25 July 2022

Conference on the Mathematics of Complex Data
KTH Stockholm 13-16 June 2022

Algebraic Vision Meeting
CTU Prague 31 May - 3 June 2022

Mathematics of Data Science
HIM Bonn 25-29 April 2022

Interpolation, Approximation, and Algebra
Oberwolfach Workshop 13 - 19 February 2022

Algebraic Vision Network Meeting
Online 2 February 2022

International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2021
Online 11 - 17 October 2021

MFO-RIMS Tandem Workshop: Symmetries on Polynomial Ideals and Varieties
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach 6 - 10 September 2021

SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry
Texas A&M University 16 - 20 August 2021

Conference on Mathematics of Machine Learning
Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University 4 - 7 August 2021

MEGA 2021 - Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry
UiT – The Arctic University of Norway 7 - 11 June 2021

Degeneracy Loci and Applications
Ohio State University 4-7 May 2021

Music & Mathematics
TU Dresden 16 - 17 April 2021

DIAMANT Symposium Spring 2021
Netherlands 7 April 2021

Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and Machine Learning 2020
Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum 26 - 28 January 2021

Workshop Computational Algebra 2020
TU Kaiserslautern 27 November 2020

WASP4ALL 2020 – Virtual Worlds for Artificial Intelligence
Online 5 November 2020

GAMM AG Workshop Computational and Mathematical Methods in Data Science
MPI MiS Leipzig 10 - 11 September 2020

Fika Webinar on Nonlinear Algebra
KTH April - July 2020

Workshop on Nonlinear Algebra
TU Berlin 26 - 27 March 2020

Combinatorial Coworkspace
Haus Bergkranz, Kleinwalsertal, Austria 8 - 15 March 2020

Interdisciplinary Workshop on Mathematics and Music
University of Music and Theatre Leipzig 16 - 17 January 2020

Lucia Geometrica
Stockholm university 9 - 13 December 2019

COMinDS2019: Computational and Mathematical Methods in Data Science
Zuse Instutite Berlin 24 - 25 October 2019

TiME 2019: Curves and Surfaces - A History of Shapes
Hotel Bellavista, Levico Terme, Italy 02 - 06 September 2019

Complexity of numerical computation
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities 19 - 23 August 2019

SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry
University of Bern 09 - 13 July 2019

Workshop on Applied Algebra
TU Braunschweig 07 - 08 June 2019

ASGARD Math 2019
University of Oslo 14 - 16 May 2019

1st meeting on Cubic Surfaces
University of Oslo 13 May 2019

Optimization Methods in Computer Vision and Image Processing
ICERM 29 April - 03 May 2019

Meeting on Applied Algebraic Geometry
Georgia Tech 13 - 14 April 2019

AMS Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting
University of Connecticut Hartford 13 - 14 April 2019

Computational Imaging
ICERM 18 - 22 March 2019

Theory and Practice in Machine Learning and Computer Vision
ICERM 18 - 22 February 2019

Algebraic Vision Research Cluster
ICERM 28 January - 15 February 2019

Scientific Machine Learning
ICERM 28 - 30 January 2019

Mørketidens Matte-Møte
University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway 10 - 11 January 2019

Applied Algebra Day
MIT 17 November 2018

Nonlinear Algebra in Applications
ICERM 12 - 16 November 2018

Real Algebraic Geometry and Optimization
ICERM 15 - 19 October 2018

Joint Meeting of KMS and DMV
COEX, Seoul 03 - 06 October 2018

Brown University 20 - 22 September 2018

Core Computational Methods
ICERM 17 - 21 September 2018

Nonlinear Algebra Bootcamp
ICERM 05 - 12 September 2018

Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften
MPI MIS Leipzig 22 June 2018

Introduction to Algebraic Statistics
FU Berlin 25 - 27 May 2018

Graduate Student Meeting on Applied Algebra and Combinatorics
Universität Osnabrück 22 - 24 March 2018

Gemeinsame Jahrestagung GDMV 2018
Universität Paderborn 05 - 09 March 2018

BMS Student Conference
Berlin 21 - 23 February 2018

Berlin-Leipzig Seminar on Algebra, Geometry and Combinatorics
Leipzig/Berlin October - December 2017

NoGAGS 2017
Humboldt Universität Berlin 16 - 17 November 2017

Algebra meets Numerics: Condition and Complexity
Berlin 06-07 November 2017

BMS-BGSMath Junior Meeting 2017
Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona 09-10 October 2017

Interactions with Lattice Polytopes
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg 14-16 September 2017

Stockholm Master Class in Tropical geometry
Stockholm University, KTH 14-27 August 2017

SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 31 July - 04 August 2017

Applied Macaulay2 Tutorials
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 27-29 July 2017

Reading Group on Real Algebraic Geometry
MPI MIS Leipzig 03-07 July 2017

Chow lecture
MPI MIS Leipzig, Universität Leipzig 22-24 May 2017

Computing in Tropical Geometry
Zuse Institute, Berlin 11-12 May 2017

ASGARD Math 2017: A Scandinavian Gathering Around Remarkable Discrete Mathematics
University of Oslo, Norway 27-28 April 2017

Der 22. Berliner Tag der Mathematik
HU Berlin, Germany 22 April 2017

8th polymake conference and developer meeting
TU Berlin 03 February 2017

Polar geometry
University of Oslo 26-28 January 2017

TU Berlin 21 January 2017

Saxonian Geometry Day
TU Chemnitz 08-09 December 2016

Weekly Joint Seminar with MPI MIS Leipzig
MPI Leipzig / TU Berlin Winter term 2016/2017

Heidelberg Laureate Forum
Heidelberg, Germany 18-23 September 2016

Thematic Program on Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry
The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada July - September 2016

Summer School: Geometry of Valuations
Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 4-8 July 2016

Absolventenfeier der Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Mathematik
Universität Paderborn, Germany 1 July 2016

Summer School on Algebra, Statistics and Combinatorics
Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland 27 June - 1 July 2016

Workshop on Discrete and Non-Linear Geometry
Technische Universität Berlin 16-17 June 2016

Macaulay2 Workshop 2016
University of Warwick, UK 23-26 May 2016

Moduli and Automorphic Forms: a Meeting for Women in Mathematics
HU Berlin, Germany 12-14 May 2016

Der 21. Berliner Tag der Mathematik
FU Berlin, Germany 30 April 2016

ASGARD Math 2016: A Scandinavian Gathering Around Remarkable Discrete Mathematics
University of Oslo, Norway 21-22 April 2016

Oberwolfach Workshop: Toric Geometry
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany 27 March-2 April 2016

Joint Annual Meeting of DMV and GAMM
Braunschweig, Germany 7-11 March 2016

SM'ART - Seminar on Matroids in Algebra, Representation theory and Topology
Borel Seminar 2016
Les Diablerets, Switzerland
24-29 January 2016

Seminar on NonLinear Algebra
Technische Universität Berlin 10 December 2015

MACIS 2015 - Sixth International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences
Zuse Institute Berlin 11-13 November 2015

Meeting on Algebraic Vision 2015
Technische Universität Berlin 8-9 October 2015

Summer School: Convex geometry - discrete and computational
Berlin 29 June - 10 July 2015

Seminar on NonLinear Algebra
Technische Universität Berlin 26 June 2015

Workshop on NonLinear Algebra
Berlin 29-30 May 2015

Workshop Tropical Doener
Freie Universität Berlin 27-28 May 2015


Algebra & Geometry in Data Science & AI

Lecturer Spring term 2024

In English, RWTH Aachen

Algebraic Vision and Multifocal Tensors

Lecturer Fall term 2023

In English, University of Trento

Groups and Rings

Lecturer & Examiner Spring terms 2023 & 2024

In English, KTH

Combinatorial and Algebraic Statistics

Lecturer, joint with Liam Solus Spring term 2021

In English, KTH/SU

Commutative algebra and algebraic geometry

Lecturer, joint with Dan Petersen Fall term 2020

In English, KTH/SU

Algebra och geometri

Teaching assistant Fall term 2019

In Swedish, KTH

Analysis I für Ingenieure

Teaching assistant Summer term 2018

In German, Institute of Mathematics, TU Berlin

Algebra II

Recitation leader Summer term 2018

In German, Institute of Mathematics, TU Berlin

Algebraic Geometry I

Recitation leader Winter term 2017/18

In English, Institute of Mathematics, TU Berlin

Algebra I

Recitation leader Winter term 2017/18

In German, Institute of Mathematics, TU Berlin


Student Instructor 2012 – 2016

An annual cryptography workshop for school students.
In German, Department of Computer Science, Paderborn University

Introduction to Cryptography

Teaching assistant Summer term 2014

In German, Department of Computer Science, Paderborn University


Teaching assistant Winter term 2013/14

In German, Department of Computer Science, Paderborn University

Introduction to Cryptography

Teaching assistant Summer term 2013

In German, Department of Computer Science, Paderborn University


Teaching assistant Winter term 2012/13

In German, Department of Computer Science, Paderborn University

Calculus for Computer Scientists

Teaching assistant Winter term 2011/12

In German, Institute for Mathematics, Paderborn University

Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists

Teaching assistant Summer term 2011

In German, Institute for Mathematics, Paderborn University

Calculus for Computer Scientists

Teaching assistant Winter term 2010/11

In German, Institute for Mathematics, Paderborn University

Contact Details

Kathlén Kohn
Institutionen för Matematik
Lindstedtsvägen 25
10044 Stockholm

+46 8 790 6585

Office: 3641